If you don't think it's funny it's because you're not smart enough to get it. j.starr1986@yahoo.com
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
New Blogs UP!!!!!
There's a new American Emo chapter up and a new Helter Skelter musical review as well
Friday, December 24, 2010
Exclusive Stick
Recently I encountered something quite strange, a phenomenon really, so I thought I would enlighten all of your feeble, adolescent minds by sharing it. Last night, a female, who shall remain unnamed, cough cough, Melissa, didn't want to have sex with me. I know, I honestly couldn't believe it either. I told her that I was absolutely awesome at having sex and that my tongue was like a marathon runner and that my penis is huge and she still said no. She said "Every guy says that." I said "The difference between me and every other guy is I tell the truth and they’re full of shit." I know, good line right. She still didn't want to. I was very disappointed and distraught, almost depressed so I strolled outside of the bar and called my wife. It's ok she knows and I don't care. She was sleeping. I said "Hey, baby doll, you wanna fuck?" She said no. This is just getting ridiculous. She knows better. She's had sex with me a million times. She knows the sex is outstandingly great. She knows the vastness of my penis. I'm joking, I don't have a wife, I don't need one, I pay this old Mexican lady to cook and clean. It was just my girlfriend, who cares if you cheat on them, I don't. This is an exclusive stick I don't share with the world.
All this female rebellion leads me to my question:
Why would a girl turn down amazing sex from an awesome dick?
I surveyed a bunch of females and these are my results.
The Asian females (8.4%) replied "Me ruv u rong time" I think that means yes I will blow you in Mandarin.
The Black females (12.7%) replied "Motherfucker...black talk ect" I'm not quite sure what her point was I don't speak monkey, so I was at a disadvantage, it's ok i can say that I used to fuck a black female.
The Mexican females (10.1%) replied by saying...who cares they’re hairy, that's gross
The White females (67.4%) replied by saying...I don't know I wasn't really paying attention...they were over the age of 20 and had small tits
In spite of all the intellectual answers I got from these females there was a few decent answers, of which we will dissect now.
Reason #1 "I'm tired"
I've heard of this weird thing called tired, what is it? I don't understand. It sounds interesting, maybe I'll try it sometime.
I call bullshit on this one. Why? Because it's physically impossible to fall asleep when you’re aroused. It's true I saw it on Kenny VS Spenny. But J.Starr what about all those passed out girls I have unconscented sex with at parties. Well no. 1: get off your mother, she's old and fragile, you'll hurt her, and no. 2: They don't count. Drug or alcohol induced sleep is not real sleep.
Reason #2 "I don't feel good" "My head hurts" "I have a headache" "My vagina is still soar from earlier today"
blah blah blah Bullshit! Stop whining and take it like your'e supposed to bitch.
When you experience sexual pleasure your blood stream becomes filled with endorphins. Endorphins make your body numb. Sex is a natural painkiller. I don't want to hear "But J I've already came 6x I can't cum anymore. That’s too deep, ow." Bullshit, turn back around, bend back over and take it.
Reason #3 "I've been taking care of the house all day, I just want to relax"
Too bad. Do some coke and get over it, you’re suppose to take care of the house, it's your job as a female. Besides everyone knows house work isn't real man work anyway. Try having testicles bitch. and no I don't wanna cuddle after...cunt
I guess apparently I didn't do a good enough job training my bitch. Obviously I'm gonna have to slap her around a little bit when I get home.
Now if you'll excuse me I have to go now. Ben Rothelisberger and I are meeting some underage girls for drinks at Chili’s.
Peace niggas
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Luke Scott and the Mystery of the Birth Certificate
Ok wow! I just read a Yahoo sports article about an interview with the Baltimore Orioles ignorant redneck first baseman Luke Scott. This peice o' shit is exactly what's wrong with this country. (The last two sentences were purely oppinion statements and not to be taken litterally.) He said he does not believe that Barack Obama was born here (in the US). What and complete moron (Also an Oppinion). I hope he reads this. Someone send it to him. The best part of the article was the editors insertion of Obama's birth certificate. What a dumbass. I'm so sick of people downgrading our president. The birth validity of Obama is just one of the many stupid rumors about him. He's Muslim, he didn't swear in on the Bible, he's a socialist, he wasn't born here, it's always the same bullshit over and over and I'm tired of it. Most of this shit is just because he's black and our white society can't handle it. I'm fuckin sick of this ignorant redneck bullshit. Get over it, we have a black president, big deal. Idiots.
First the guys talks about growing his beard out then he proceeds to discuss in detail the 2 deer he shot on the the hunting trip he just came back from. He brought pictures with him BTdub. Then he chatters on like a 12 year old school girl about his supercrush for sweaty Teddy Nugent (a fellow gun toating, militant, redneck) and how badly he wants to meet him, then he talks about how he "dusted" the deer with a 7mag, what, is this guy in the fuckin mafia or something, then quickly switches back to Sweaty Teddy ('Ol Ted was mentioned 6 times in the interview). He then continues, as most rednecks do, to expound on hunting and all the places he wants to hunt and how he's like seen braveheart like a million times and like loves it. Yes I'm making fun of him. No that's not how I really talk. He then talks, at extreme length (kinda like this blog post,) about the over population of deer, which is a huge redneck excuse for killing as many deer as possible, then, once again as most rednecks do, he talks about gun control and then starts on how Obama is not a true american and doesn't represent American values and blah blah blah he is not american. What a fuckin idiot. The shitty part is that if you showed the Government issued offical birth certicate that's on the article to Luke Scott he'd probably say oh well that's not real, it's faked, it's been doctored. No matter what evidence you submit to these types of people they refuse to belief. That's beyond ignorance. He has no excuse, he's been acurately informed. That's the definition of denial.
Now because Luke Scott is a douchebag of Kanye West/John mayer-like proportions I will now ridicule him and tear apart everything he said. He's not even that good of a baseball player either. That's why you play for a joke team like the Baltimore Orioles Luke. They can't even compete in their division. Ok let us start with this statement:
"I haven't paid any attention to baseball until recently."
Isn't baseball your profession, wouldn't you want to know more about it?
"I'm a big fan of Ted Nugent because he's a "keep it real" type of guy. He respects wildlife, he loves to hunt. I look at Ted Nugent and ... he's an American. He has the core beliefs of what it means to be an American in his heart. He lives by those beliefs and those principles. It's the same beliefs that our forefathers, who fought for our country, have. I'd be real interested in meeting him one day."
Yep cause being american is all about sex addiction and convincing an underage girls parents to let you be her " Legal gaurdian" so that you can continue to date her without legal intervention.
I think I remeber the forefathers writing something about wango tangoing in the the Declaration of Independence. I think it was called the Scream Dream amendment.
Wasn't Thomas Jefferson the first one to say "I got you in a stranglehold baby"? I think so."DB: How many times have you seen "Braveheart"?LS: Many. It's a great movie, one of my all-time favorites."
Mel Gibson, another psycho he a big fan of, whatta ya know.
"Basically, what you've done is, you've told the man who pays his bills and minds his own business, who's trying to protect his family and provide for his family, if you take away his gun [and] you give him a golf club or a baseball bat, or a knife, and if the criminal has a gun, he's going to win that battle 10 out of 10 times.
The real issue behind these people who are gun grabbers, the truth is — based on fact — the reason why is, they want control. They want control of the people. That's what socialism is and communism." (on gun control)
Why do rednecks insist that Obama is trying to take their guns away. Do they really believe that Barack is gonna literally come in a take their guns away from them? The point of Obama's gun control policies is to prevent convicted felons from owning guns. Of course the problem with this is that criminals will continue to illegally by firearms no matter what the government does. The benefit: If theyr'e caught with a gun their punishment will be greater, therefore taking them off the street, therefore removing crime from our society.
He can't be a socialist and a communist at the same time dude, pick one. By his statement one could assert that because he's opposed to socialism and the common opposition to socialism is capitalism that he's a capitalist right? Capitalism is such a better choice, your'e right Luke. The richest people should control everything because that's fair. That provides freedom for everyone including all those immigrants you were talking so good about to come over here and continue to be poor. Capitalism doesn't afford everyone the equal opportunity at success. It continues current statuses. Those wretched poor stay poor and the awesome rich stay rich. what a load of (as rednecks would say) Horseshit.
"Obama ... hmm ... Obama does not represent America. Nor does he represent anything what our forefathers stood for. This country is basically built on an attitude. It's a way of life. It's not because you're born here. It's not that you're supposed to take from those who have and give to those who haven't. That kills a country. It killed Russia."
So it's not because we're born in America that we're free?
No one give. It's bad to give to the less fortunate. This is America! We don't tolerate that shit! If your poor it's your fault. Get a job you bum! Giving killed Russia! They took our jobs! Ted Nugent!
"That's what tears down a people, tears down nations. Hence, the problem we're having in this country, where we're experiencing unemployment. We're experiencing all of these negative things that are happening in our land as a direct result of that type of attitude — of too much government involvement, of moral decay, and of people lacking honor and integrity."
It must be so hard for you to make millions of dollars a year for playing a sport that you love. I feel so bad that "we're" barely making it. It must take all the the honor and integrity you have to get up everyday and play a game. Your'e such an american. Our troops are out there everyday fight for professional baseball. You stupid moronic motherfucker.
"Obama, he doesn't represent that. He represents, "Hey, everyone. Give me votes and I'll give you stuff.""
"I'll say something to somebody to get their vote, but if I have to compromise what I believe in, there's no honor in that. There's no integrity. That's not a leader."
God, I love contradiction!
"DB: You don't think that Obama wasn't born in the United States, do you?LS: He was not born here.DB: [Sighs].LS: That's my belief. I was born here. If someone accuses me of not being born here, I can go — within 10 minutes — to my filing cabinet and I can pick up my real birth certificate and I can go, "See? Look! Here it is. Here it is." The man has dodged everything. He dodges questions, he doesn't answer anything. And why? Because he's hiding something.""
You know why he doesn't run in a panic and scramble to grab his birth certificate to prove to a bunch ignorant fucktard rednecks that he's American. Because he's the fuckin President! He doen't have to prove anything to your dumbass. Do you really think the American government is going let someone who's not an american citizen be the fuckin President. God your'e stupid.
"Come on. If you're born here, there's plenty of documents. But you know what? There's no documentation of him. No legal documentation of him."
Come on!
"I took red stag at a ranch in Pennsylvania. ... This was earlier. This was two days after the season was over. Here he is, red stag."
"There needs to be accountability for the truth. I don't care if you're the president of the United States, you need to be held accountable. If you're involved in treacherous acts, or you're saying things that are against, or are selling out our country, you should be brought to trial. I mean, no one's above the law."
Isn't killing game out of season illegal? Hmmm....
"There's a lot of people that fought for their country and that's not something to be taken lightly. They gave their life, everything they had, they gave their lives, to give us what we have. That's why I'm so passionate about my beliefs -- because someone died. They gave their life, their blood was spilled, so I had an opportunity to chase a dream and play baseball for a living."
Yep because that's the first thing on the troops mind, Pofessional Baseball, and mainly you playing, not anyone else though. Just you.
fortunately for Luke Scott we have something in this country called freedom of speech and no one can really stop him from saying what he wants to say. Unfortunately for Like Scott I also have that freedom.
Until next time, keep reading.
First the guys talks about growing his beard out then he proceeds to discuss in detail the 2 deer he shot on the the hunting trip he just came back from. He brought pictures with him BTdub. Then he chatters on like a 12 year old school girl about his supercrush for sweaty Teddy Nugent (a fellow gun toating, militant, redneck) and how badly he wants to meet him, then he talks about how he "dusted" the deer with a 7mag, what, is this guy in the fuckin mafia or something, then quickly switches back to Sweaty Teddy ('Ol Ted was mentioned 6 times in the interview). He then continues, as most rednecks do, to expound on hunting and all the places he wants to hunt and how he's like seen braveheart like a million times and like loves it. Yes I'm making fun of him. No that's not how I really talk. He then talks, at extreme length (kinda like this blog post,) about the over population of deer, which is a huge redneck excuse for killing as many deer as possible, then, once again as most rednecks do, he talks about gun control and then starts on how Obama is not a true american and doesn't represent American values and blah blah blah he is not american. What a fuckin idiot. The shitty part is that if you showed the Government issued offical birth certicate that's on the article to Luke Scott he'd probably say oh well that's not real, it's faked, it's been doctored. No matter what evidence you submit to these types of people they refuse to belief. That's beyond ignorance. He has no excuse, he's been acurately informed. That's the definition of denial.
Now because Luke Scott is a douchebag of Kanye West/John mayer-like proportions I will now ridicule him and tear apart everything he said. He's not even that good of a baseball player either. That's why you play for a joke team like the Baltimore Orioles Luke. They can't even compete in their division. Ok let us start with this statement:
"I haven't paid any attention to baseball until recently."
Isn't baseball your profession, wouldn't you want to know more about it?
"I'm a big fan of Ted Nugent because he's a "keep it real" type of guy. He respects wildlife, he loves to hunt. I look at Ted Nugent and ... he's an American. He has the core beliefs of what it means to be an American in his heart. He lives by those beliefs and those principles. It's the same beliefs that our forefathers, who fought for our country, have. I'd be real interested in meeting him one day."
Yep cause being american is all about sex addiction and convincing an underage girls parents to let you be her " Legal gaurdian" so that you can continue to date her without legal intervention.
I think I remeber the forefathers writing something about wango tangoing in the the Declaration of Independence. I think it was called the Scream Dream amendment.
Wasn't Thomas Jefferson the first one to say "I got you in a stranglehold baby"? I think so."DB: How many times have you seen "Braveheart"?LS: Many. It's a great movie, one of my all-time favorites."
Mel Gibson, another psycho he a big fan of, whatta ya know.
"Basically, what you've done is, you've told the man who pays his bills and minds his own business, who's trying to protect his family and provide for his family, if you take away his gun [and] you give him a golf club or a baseball bat, or a knife, and if the criminal has a gun, he's going to win that battle 10 out of 10 times.
The real issue behind these people who are gun grabbers, the truth is — based on fact — the reason why is, they want control. They want control of the people. That's what socialism is and communism." (on gun control)
Why do rednecks insist that Obama is trying to take their guns away. Do they really believe that Barack is gonna literally come in a take their guns away from them? The point of Obama's gun control policies is to prevent convicted felons from owning guns. Of course the problem with this is that criminals will continue to illegally by firearms no matter what the government does. The benefit: If theyr'e caught with a gun their punishment will be greater, therefore taking them off the street, therefore removing crime from our society.
He can't be a socialist and a communist at the same time dude, pick one. By his statement one could assert that because he's opposed to socialism and the common opposition to socialism is capitalism that he's a capitalist right? Capitalism is such a better choice, your'e right Luke. The richest people should control everything because that's fair. That provides freedom for everyone including all those immigrants you were talking so good about to come over here and continue to be poor. Capitalism doesn't afford everyone the equal opportunity at success. It continues current statuses. Those wretched poor stay poor and the awesome rich stay rich. what a load of (as rednecks would say) Horseshit.
"Obama ... hmm ... Obama does not represent America. Nor does he represent anything what our forefathers stood for. This country is basically built on an attitude. It's a way of life. It's not because you're born here. It's not that you're supposed to take from those who have and give to those who haven't. That kills a country. It killed Russia."
So it's not because we're born in America that we're free?
No one give. It's bad to give to the less fortunate. This is America! We don't tolerate that shit! If your poor it's your fault. Get a job you bum! Giving killed Russia! They took our jobs! Ted Nugent!
"That's what tears down a people, tears down nations. Hence, the problem we're having in this country, where we're experiencing unemployment. We're experiencing all of these negative things that are happening in our land as a direct result of that type of attitude — of too much government involvement, of moral decay, and of people lacking honor and integrity."
It must be so hard for you to make millions of dollars a year for playing a sport that you love. I feel so bad that "we're" barely making it. It must take all the the honor and integrity you have to get up everyday and play a game. Your'e such an american. Our troops are out there everyday fight for professional baseball. You stupid moronic motherfucker.
"Obama, he doesn't represent that. He represents, "Hey, everyone. Give me votes and I'll give you stuff.""
"I'll say something to somebody to get their vote, but if I have to compromise what I believe in, there's no honor in that. There's no integrity. That's not a leader."
God, I love contradiction!
"DB: You don't think that Obama wasn't born in the United States, do you?LS: He was not born here.DB: [Sighs].LS: That's my belief. I was born here. If someone accuses me of not being born here, I can go — within 10 minutes — to my filing cabinet and I can pick up my real birth certificate and I can go, "See? Look! Here it is. Here it is." The man has dodged everything. He dodges questions, he doesn't answer anything. And why? Because he's hiding something.""
You know why he doesn't run in a panic and scramble to grab his birth certificate to prove to a bunch ignorant fucktard rednecks that he's American. Because he's the fuckin President! He doen't have to prove anything to your dumbass. Do you really think the American government is going let someone who's not an american citizen be the fuckin President. God your'e stupid.
"Come on. If you're born here, there's plenty of documents. But you know what? There's no documentation of him. No legal documentation of him."
Come on!
"I took red stag at a ranch in Pennsylvania. ... This was earlier. This was two days after the season was over. Here he is, red stag."
"There needs to be accountability for the truth. I don't care if you're the president of the United States, you need to be held accountable. If you're involved in treacherous acts, or you're saying things that are against, or are selling out our country, you should be brought to trial. I mean, no one's above the law."
Isn't killing game out of season illegal? Hmmm....
"There's a lot of people that fought for their country and that's not something to be taken lightly. They gave their life, everything they had, they gave their lives, to give us what we have. That's why I'm so passionate about my beliefs -- because someone died. They gave their life, their blood was spilled, so I had an opportunity to chase a dream and play baseball for a living."
Yep because that's the first thing on the troops mind, Pofessional Baseball, and mainly you playing, not anyone else though. Just you.
fortunately for Luke Scott we have something in this country called freedom of speech and no one can really stop him from saying what he wants to say. Unfortunately for Like Scott I also have that freedom.
Until next time, keep reading.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Blacktips: The Age Old Question
Why don't black people tip?
I don't get it. Really, I wanna know. Please someone tell me why.
I work at a job in which my living is primarily based on tips and in my working there I've found that black people never tip. I'm serious. I've worked here for over a year and in that time I've processed at least a couple of hundred niggacars. I've been tipped maybe 5 times. Maybe. There is this one nigga though, that does tip. He's in his 40's and he owns a bunch businesses. That nigga is real nice. I like that nigga. He acts white though so I don't know if he really counts.
As it turns out this happens alot. I asked around. apparently it's common knowledge among those in the industry. I googled it and found that there's entire websites devoted to the fact that the black folks don't like to tip. even the famous rich ones. I read a blog by a waitress who said that that nigga Lebron James came in with a bunch of people, you know how them rich niggas do, to the restaurant she waited tables at and it was right at closing so they had to have a team of waiters and waitresses stay late and accomodate him, the bill was was like five grand and that nigga tipped like 20 dollars between 15 people. He didn't tip the valet at the rstaurant for parking his niggawhip either. See that's why people don't like you Lebron, it's not cause you signed with the Heat, it's because your'e a shitty nigga who does niggaish things. Even more shocking is that some of these websites were made by niggas. Niggas hatin on niggas, that never happens. and that was called sarcasm. I hope you like it. Moving on...
I saw tons of theories, but no definitive answers. Please answer this blog black folk. Inquiring minds want to know. Wow, just as I was typing that last sentence a black guy walked up. How weird. His lips must have been burning. lol I'm so funny uuuhhh anyway...
One theory was that because of segregation black people didn't "Know" that you are suppose to tip people or when to do it. I say Bullshit! Those niggas know what tipping is and how to do it they just don't want to cause they cheap as hell.
Another theory was that after the whole slavery incident they didn't feel like they owed white people anything. This is also bullshit. Nigga quit tryin to make excuses, you cheap. That shit was over long time ago. You can't move on and rise above? Look at the Asians. Man those zipperheads they moved on and rose above quick. They some of the richest motherfuckas on the planet. Everytime I see one of them niggas they drivin a mothafuckin Lexus or Mercedes or an Audi or a Infiniti or some shit like that. and secondly my black cousin and my black friend (cause everybody's gotta have one right?) are both waiters and they said blacks never tip them either. See it's not just them damn whities. It's everyone. I bet that nigga Kanye never tips. He prolly says "I'm a muthafuckin genius, I don't have to tip. I'm Kanyeezie muthafucka!" Speaking of Kanyeezie I like his new song.
This brings me to my next point. Blacks using slavery as an excuse. I'm sick of this shit. It's time to move on. Those dirty, savage, wagon burning, drunken indians were treated worse than the blacks. they didn't even get full US citizenship and the right to vote until the 1960's, not the 1860's, the 1960's. Yeah. Those mothafuckers were here first! It seems to me that they would have got it first. Isn't that why their called "native" americans. I guess that train of thought is completely illogical.
Those drunk bastardizing, wife beating Irish were also treated worse than the blacks when they first came to America. So much so that they fled to the mountains and woods and became hillbillies and rednecks and we have hundreds of years of ignorant inbread hicks to show for it. Thanks alot White forefathers. Bastards.
The greasy, flea bitten Italians and the squinty eyed, rice eatin Asians were treated just as worse. and now because of we have Jersey Shore and the american railroad systems, of which the latter isn't so bad.
Not to mention those cheap, kykey, shylock cursin', hooked nose, sueing, sheany Jews.
Stop complaining, get over it, move on, rise above and for my living's sake start tipping.
Did I cover every stereotype? Just makin sure.
I don't get it. Really, I wanna know. Please someone tell me why.
I work at a job in which my living is primarily based on tips and in my working there I've found that black people never tip. I'm serious. I've worked here for over a year and in that time I've processed at least a couple of hundred niggacars. I've been tipped maybe 5 times. Maybe. There is this one nigga though, that does tip. He's in his 40's and he owns a bunch businesses. That nigga is real nice. I like that nigga. He acts white though so I don't know if he really counts.
As it turns out this happens alot. I asked around. apparently it's common knowledge among those in the industry. I googled it and found that there's entire websites devoted to the fact that the black folks don't like to tip. even the famous rich ones. I read a blog by a waitress who said that that nigga Lebron James came in with a bunch of people, you know how them rich niggas do, to the restaurant she waited tables at and it was right at closing so they had to have a team of waiters and waitresses stay late and accomodate him, the bill was was like five grand and that nigga tipped like 20 dollars between 15 people. He didn't tip the valet at the rstaurant for parking his niggawhip either. See that's why people don't like you Lebron, it's not cause you signed with the Heat, it's because your'e a shitty nigga who does niggaish things. Even more shocking is that some of these websites were made by niggas. Niggas hatin on niggas, that never happens. and that was called sarcasm. I hope you like it. Moving on...
I saw tons of theories, but no definitive answers. Please answer this blog black folk. Inquiring minds want to know. Wow, just as I was typing that last sentence a black guy walked up. How weird. His lips must have been burning. lol I'm so funny uuuhhh anyway...
One theory was that because of segregation black people didn't "Know" that you are suppose to tip people or when to do it. I say Bullshit! Those niggas know what tipping is and how to do it they just don't want to cause they cheap as hell.
Another theory was that after the whole slavery incident they didn't feel like they owed white people anything. This is also bullshit. Nigga quit tryin to make excuses, you cheap. That shit was over long time ago. You can't move on and rise above? Look at the Asians. Man those zipperheads they moved on and rose above quick. They some of the richest motherfuckas on the planet. Everytime I see one of them niggas they drivin a mothafuckin Lexus or Mercedes or an Audi or a Infiniti or some shit like that. and secondly my black cousin and my black friend (cause everybody's gotta have one right?) are both waiters and they said blacks never tip them either. See it's not just them damn whities. It's everyone. I bet that nigga Kanye never tips. He prolly says "I'm a muthafuckin genius, I don't have to tip. I'm Kanyeezie muthafucka!" Speaking of Kanyeezie I like his new song.
This brings me to my next point. Blacks using slavery as an excuse. I'm sick of this shit. It's time to move on. Those dirty, savage, wagon burning, drunken indians were treated worse than the blacks. they didn't even get full US citizenship and the right to vote until the 1960's, not the 1860's, the 1960's. Yeah. Those mothafuckers were here first! It seems to me that they would have got it first. Isn't that why their called "native" americans. I guess that train of thought is completely illogical.
Those drunk bastardizing, wife beating Irish were also treated worse than the blacks when they first came to America. So much so that they fled to the mountains and woods and became hillbillies and rednecks and we have hundreds of years of ignorant inbread hicks to show for it. Thanks alot White forefathers. Bastards.
The greasy, flea bitten Italians and the squinty eyed, rice eatin Asians were treated just as worse. and now because of we have Jersey Shore and the american railroad systems, of which the latter isn't so bad.
Not to mention those cheap, kykey, shylock cursin', hooked nose, sueing, sheany Jews.
Stop complaining, get over it, move on, rise above and for my living's sake start tipping.
Did I cover every stereotype? Just makin sure.
Ok I'm getting sick and tired of everyone and their ball sack thinking they can have a blog. like anyone cares about your little clever quips and comments on life. No one cares. you're an idiot. No one cares that you're working on a novel. you're probably a terrible writer anyway.You fuckin hack. oooh you can diss on everyone and you use big words oh I'm so impressed! Can I blow you? Horseshit! I love that word. :)You have to be interesting and relavent to have a blog. You can't just be some rube off the street.Yes I said rube I'm sure you wouldn't know that word. I'm not going to tell you the meaning. Look it up yourself. Google it bitch.
has the irony sunk in yet? Good.
Have a nice day
has the irony sunk in yet? Good.
Have a nice day
My responce
for some reason i couldn't post the comment so here's my responce to lovehateleah.blogspot.com's blog entitled "Sick Sad World" thank you's to Leah
my big long diatribes have been deleted twice whilst i was trying to post them so I'll just make it short and sweet.
Get use to the dissapointment. I am constantly betwixed by the example set forth by fellow christians. then i realize what all the non christians fail to. we're human beings, we're not perfect. You wanna know the christian world's big bad secret? The christians are just as screwed up as the non christians. ouch that one stung didn't it? you think just because we believe in God we're not as messed up as you? how dumb can u be people? Leah I'm not talking to u, ur doin great, u just about got it, u go girl, i'm talking to society. grow up. your just as immature as you proclaim us to be. get over yourselves. the christians have it all wrong too. thet're missing the point. the point is love and forgiveness. read your bible once in a while.
the pastor shouldn't have been there. come on man, be a better example than that. where's your light bro? we're supposed to be the light in a dark world. you're suppose to be leading these people out of sin not participating along with them. it was amusing, however, that he was baptist. lol baptists.
the solution isn't talking about sex in our schools either. that's dumb. kids already have an idea of what sex is. the sad thing is that the rest of think thats what it is to. the solution is talking in church about what sex is and is not. why are christians so afraid of sex? sex is a big awesome amazing gift from God meant to be completely enjoyed by both people (guys that means please ur wife. it's not all about you. girls don't be so afraid let go, he's ur husband.) why do u think it's so easy for the devil to use sex cause its a big deal for us as humans. we can't go without it and we're suppose to, unless of course u r called to it, but as the bibles says not many are. stop being so scared. its wonderful.
the reason that nothing was done to help the bullies is because they're gay. plain and simple. i don't support homosexuality at all but i have many gay friends and i love all of them. the church should have stepped up and offered help to their families gay and all. that would have changed the world's prospective on christianity. but i guess the christians weren't smart enough to think of that were they?
my big long diatribes have been deleted twice whilst i was trying to post them so I'll just make it short and sweet.
Get use to the dissapointment. I am constantly betwixed by the example set forth by fellow christians. then i realize what all the non christians fail to. we're human beings, we're not perfect. You wanna know the christian world's big bad secret? The christians are just as screwed up as the non christians. ouch that one stung didn't it? you think just because we believe in God we're not as messed up as you? how dumb can u be people? Leah I'm not talking to u, ur doin great, u just about got it, u go girl, i'm talking to society. grow up. your just as immature as you proclaim us to be. get over yourselves. the christians have it all wrong too. thet're missing the point. the point is love and forgiveness. read your bible once in a while.
the pastor shouldn't have been there. come on man, be a better example than that. where's your light bro? we're supposed to be the light in a dark world. you're suppose to be leading these people out of sin not participating along with them. it was amusing, however, that he was baptist. lol baptists.
the solution isn't talking about sex in our schools either. that's dumb. kids already have an idea of what sex is. the sad thing is that the rest of think thats what it is to. the solution is talking in church about what sex is and is not. why are christians so afraid of sex? sex is a big awesome amazing gift from God meant to be completely enjoyed by both people (guys that means please ur wife. it's not all about you. girls don't be so afraid let go, he's ur husband.) why do u think it's so easy for the devil to use sex cause its a big deal for us as humans. we can't go without it and we're suppose to, unless of course u r called to it, but as the bibles says not many are. stop being so scared. its wonderful.
the reason that nothing was done to help the bullies is because they're gay. plain and simple. i don't support homosexuality at all but i have many gay friends and i love all of them. the church should have stepped up and offered help to their families gay and all. that would have changed the world's prospective on christianity. but i guess the christians weren't smart enough to think of that were they?
Friday, November 19, 2010
The Rapist!

Ok so there's a new game out called Call of Duty: Black Ops and in the TV commercial for it Kobe Bryant can be seen holding an assault rifle. The point of the commercial is that everyone is playing the game. There wre alot of celebrities in this commercial, but as u guessed it the black man got in the most trouble for it.
apparently a couple of people took offense to this commercial and threw a big bitch fit on the internet about it. They are even "questioning" NBA commissioner David Stern for "not speaking out against it." This whole thing is rediculous and it pisses me off.
One of the opposition said that he was "disgusted" with Bryant's prescence in the commercial. I say Fuck you! I guess it wasn't enough for him to be a rapist. He's gotta be anti-kid death lover too.
This is such bullshit. It's a fucking video game! It's for entertainment and we fully realize that. If you're an adult and you think the youth of today don't realize this than you are a retard.
the article went on to talk about how the youth culture today is so obsessed with guns and death in video games and music. I've heard this bullshit all my life and I'm sick of it. they said kids don't think death is serious and final.
we know death is serious and final. how stupid do you think we are.
apparently youth of america are so dumb that they can't tell the difference between real life and video games. we can we just don't care.
the problem with today's youth isn't that they don't understand consequences, it's that they don't care about the consequences. all they care about is drugs, sex and alcohol. if it's not a party they don't want it.
Here now, for ur entertainment, r some excerpts and my comments:
"I couldn't believe it was him," Walker says. "What's wrong with him?"
(See Kobe realizes it's a fuckin' videogame and it's for entertainment you fucking moron!)
with Medina arguing that the ad "downplays the seriousness that real combat entails"
(yeah because the last thing we want to do is take people's minds off the reality of war. they need to be constantly reminded)
Sam Machkovech wrote at TheAtlantic.com that the "troubling melange of gun, grenade, and rocket combat acted out by blue-collar workers, children, and celebs like Kobe Bryant and Jimmy Kimmel" was a major disappointment that "comes closer to selling real death than any video game possibly could."
(Yeah because Jimmy Kimmel is such a big celebrity. Boy, when he advertizes something that shit sells out! It comes closer to selling death than any other videogame has, yeah because there's not like 10 other COD games in existance just like this one. this one is clearly the first of it's kind. Dumbass!)
"This is exactly what we're trying to fight," Walker says. "I'm looking at a 14-year-old boy right now who got shot in the head, and then I see Kobe get on TV looking like a damned fool, holding an assault weapon and wearing the same stuff the kids are wearing when they kill somebody. The look on his face -- all smiling and happy. This is the attitude we're trying to get away from."
(ok 1: yeah because talking about looking at a boy who's been shot in the head isn't graphic violence at all
2: "Looking like a damned fool" ok Chubbs from Happy Gilmore
3: "Wearing the same stuff the kids are wearing when they kill somebody." What the fuck is he talking about? can anyone tell me?
4: "All smiling and happy. This is the attitude we're trying to get away from." yes because we hate it when the american public enjoys themselves. Those bastards! How dare they be entertained.)
...And I don't even like Kobe. As a matter of fact I hate Kobe. I think Kobe Bryant is a racist rapist concieted lil bitch, who cheats on his wife and wishes he was MJ. But guess what Kobe you never will be, u and Pau can win 20 championships and u'll still never be MJ. MJ had class, u got none.
and I'm not calling him a rapist because I think he did it. U know that bitch made that shit up. she wanted some and he gave it to her and she liked it but she wanted some money so she said she was raped. same ol story. I call Kobe a rapist because he's a cheating douche bag and it didn't surprise me. I mean what pro athlete, especially black pro athlete, doesn't love to fuck under age white girls?
fuck yo couch nigga!
and with that being said I think my job is done here...
until next time, go fuck urself!
a am,
Call of Duty Black Ops,
Kobe Bryant,
Pau Gasol,
Phil Jackson,
Monday, November 1, 2010
The Problem
This fake peice of Emo trash is exactly what's wrong with the current youth generation. They think this is cool.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Completely Natural
Just a few photos that I felt perfectly illustrated the fact that being gay is absolutely 100% natural in every way.
This just goes to show you that feminists are stupid, ugly and mousy. I love that the hot female is bringing the ugly one something to drink. lol!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Underage girls that look older and say they’re “18”
ok Statutory rape is Bullshit. have u seen some of the 15 yr olds these days? they look like they're 25. they have big breasts and very curvaceous bodies not to mention they dress slutty as Hell and I know for a fact most of them have already had numerous sexual partners by the time they were 13, we live in an overly sexualized world, it's a curse and it sucks, so don't give me this bullshit about how its not right for guys older than 18 to look and want. any red blooded american male, if he was being completely honest, would tell you that he's seen young girls that he thought were attractive. it's one of the most basic parts of our biology. even recent scientific studies have shown that females and males alike are maturing at a physically advanced rate now. one of the reasons is because of all the steroids in the meat that we eat.
Now if you're 47 and you're following young girls home and viciously raping them then there's obviously something wrong with you and you need to be removed from society but if you're just some 22 year old guy naling a 16 yr old girl who asked you to "hang out" with her and completely agreed to sex in every way than you should be allowed to. if she likes to fuck her pain away that's her decision. women are always talking about rights to their body, where's their rights for this one? we all equally make mistakes and we don't need to be crucified for them.
the law is set up right now where anytime a girls says she was raped no matter what age the cops will pursue the man like he's a serial murderer of babies. the pursuit and consequences are worsened when it comes to a female that is underage. i wonder how many females claimed rape when nothing happened just so they wouldn't get in trouble or be called a whore. I wonder how many innocent men are in jail because of you? if you're a whore, that's fine but don't send a man to jail for 10 years for something he didn't do. You can call me cynical but its the truth and we need to face it.
Now if you're 47 and you're following young girls home and viciously raping them then there's obviously something wrong with you and you need to be removed from society but if you're just some 22 year old guy naling a 16 yr old girl who asked you to "hang out" with her and completely agreed to sex in every way than you should be allowed to. if she likes to fuck her pain away that's her decision. women are always talking about rights to their body, where's their rights for this one? we all equally make mistakes and we don't need to be crucified for them.
the law is set up right now where anytime a girls says she was raped no matter what age the cops will pursue the man like he's a serial murderer of babies. the pursuit and consequences are worsened when it comes to a female that is underage. i wonder how many females claimed rape when nothing happened just so they wouldn't get in trouble or be called a whore. I wonder how many innocent men are in jail because of you? if you're a whore, that's fine but don't send a man to jail for 10 years for something he didn't do. You can call me cynical but its the truth and we need to face it.
The Softball Girl
Do I really have to say it again after the last two blogs?
We all know your lesbians, but why? What is it about softball that makes a girl turns Lezzy? and yes the fact that you’re the size of Venus Williams but white and blonde does scare me a bit. There is nothing in life more scary than a full on, buzz cutted, 12 year old boy lookin, gangsta dressed Bull Dike who probably has a knife in her boot and can kick your ass. Please don’t gang rape me, I know I’m sexy but remember: no means no gentlemen.
I will say though that I appreciate your candidness. At least you're not running around screaming to high heaven about how you're a big Dike. God doesn't wanna hear that. The gay men just can't seem to keep it to themselves.
We all know your lesbians, but why? What is it about softball that makes a girl turns Lezzy? and yes the fact that you’re the size of Venus Williams but white and blonde does scare me a bit. There is nothing in life more scary than a full on, buzz cutted, 12 year old boy lookin, gangsta dressed Bull Dike who probably has a knife in her boot and can kick your ass. Please don’t gang rape me, I know I’m sexy but remember: no means no gentlemen.
I will say though that I appreciate your candidness. At least you're not running around screaming to high heaven about how you're a big Dike. God doesn't wanna hear that. The gay men just can't seem to keep it to themselves.
The overly masculine male athlete
We get it, you’re gay
You’re excessive display of brutish strength and raw testosterone makes everyone around you openly question whether or not you’re gay. You can play all the sports and lift all the weights you want we all know you're as queer as a three dollar bill or queer as the day is long as all the rednecks that seem to disease the masses around here would say. Looking like an Abercrombie and Fitch model is not masculine, It's actually extremely Gay, but its ok boys we know the truth. Wink wink...fags
Overly Flamboyant Gay Men
There’s no need to walk around broadcasting the fact that you’re Gay. We all know. The high feminine voice and impeccably neat hair and clothes have already given you away. Not to mention the abundance of question marks that linger after each sentence you say. You’ve overdone the gay thing so much that you’re starting to make your own sexuality the butt of jokes. Pun intended. Enough is enough girls.
I don't hate homosexuals i just know it's wrong. Anyone with intelligence and balls will tell you the same.
FYI: Homosexuality was only moved from the classification of a mental disorder in 1973.
Fat Girls and Skinny Jeans
I think my reasoning is quite obvious on this one; however I’ll elaborate simply because I love the sound of my own voice. It’s not visually pleasing to the eyes nor is it sexually pleasing to the genitalia, unless of course you’re a black man, in which case you love to fuck fat white girls. What is it about fat white girls that black guys love so much? No one else like them so I guess someone has too.
No one wants to see every single glazed dimple that your thighs have to offer. If it looks like you’ve been hit in the back of the legs with a sack of marbles, you should be wearing something else... like loose fitting cargo capris.
For God’s sake the only requirement that exists for wearing this horrid piece of clothing is in the tidal. SKINNY Jeans and no they do not make you look skinnier. The weight requirement is 150 lbs. lose some weight or don’t fuckin' wear ‘em. Go back to Lane Bryant and Kato where you belong. Rue 21 isn’t for everyone.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
excerpt from my novel American Emo
Chapter III
Love All Over (Dancin’ Til Dawn)
What is love? Well it use to be something worth having. It use to be something special between a man and a woman. Now it’s something completely different. It use to be something very distinct. Now it's something we throw around casually like a hello, a handshake or a smile.
Ever since the 60's we've slowly lost the true meaning of love. We've, piece by piece, lost the purest form of joy, the fresh-cut Colombian. We give and give what the hippies would have called free love, which basically means we sleep with everyone we can. That’s not love, that’s promiscuity. We have all these emotions that consume our body when we touch and kiss and we confuse these emotions with love, when these emotions aren’t really love at all. These emotions are not love, they’re Endorphins.
Endorphins are endogenous opioid polypeptide compounds. They are produced by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus in vertebrates during strenuous exercise, excitement, pain, death, and orgasm, and they resemble the opiates in their abilities to produce analgesia and a sense of well-being. Endorphins work as "natural pain relievers", whose effects may be enhanced by other medications.
The term "endorphin" implies a pharmacological activity (analogous to the activity of the corticosteroid category of biochemicals) as opposed to a specific chemical formulation. It consists of two parts: endo- and -orphin; these are short forms of the words endogenous and morphine, intended to mean "a morphine-like substance originating from within the body."
The term endorphin rush has been adopted in popular speech to refer to feelings of exhilaration brought on by pain, danger, or other forms of stress, supposedly due to the influence of endorphins. When a nerve impulse reaches the spinal cord, endorphins are released which prevent nerve cells from releasing more pain signals. Immediately after injury, endorphins allow humans to feel a sense of power and control over themselves that allows them to persist with activity for an extended time.
As a matter of fact, during orgasm, large amounts of Endorphins are dumped into the bloodstream, which gives the person achieving the orgasm a general feeling of euphoria and numbness, an effect similar to that of Cocaine and Heroin. So all the good feelings you feel from kissing and touching a person you’re attracted to, is not love, but simply chemical explosions inside your body. A simple human response.
Love is more than a simple human response. Love is powerful. Love conquers all. Love is the ultimate level of care and respect, not adoration and attraction. Love is deeper than that. Love is Real! Love is eternal. Love is fate. Love is Death.
Webster’s Dictionary defines love as; A strong affection for another, arising out of kinship or personal ties. This seems simple enough, right? The only problem is its not. Love is not easy. It’s really hard. It’s really hard to do when they don’t love you back. It’s hard when you love someone who constantly throws your trust away. It’s hard when they constantly cheat on you and treat you like shit because they can’t control a problem, their problem. It’s hard to love a monster.
The hardest part though is being that monster and knowing that you have damaged a person that much and they still love you. They still want you. No matter how much you kick ‘em in the gums they still come back to give you a kiss or suck your cock if desired. They always come back and why, ‘cause they’re a teenage girl in love and they will do anything to keep that love, because that love although putrid, crooked and fucked, is the only thing that makes them feel good about themselves. It’s the only thing in life that pays attention to them, the only thing that loves them.
When a fire becomes that big you can’t extinguish it. You have to just wait for it to go out. I waited for Tosha’s flame to die, but it never ceased. She still hasn’t found anyone. Of course that’s probably because she refuses to look. She believes God will magically place that person in front of her. God will find that person for you if you let him, but you still have to look. Asking God to find them doesn’t take you out of the equation; it just gives you the better vision you need to see the person you desire.
Most of the task of finding the right person lies within you, not the other person. If you’re not right, the person you find can’t be either. That’s why we have such a high divorce rate in America. People don’t want to fix themselves. They always think the other person is the problem. If something doesn’t “feel” right they think “It can’t be me. Must be my spouse” and they divorce them; meanwhile destroying their ability to be in a relationship forever. And God forbid the fuckers produce offspring. That’s another life of sadness and isolation chalked up to the failure to understand what a relationship is. Don’t make your children suffer for your mistakes. Don’t let your children become just another statistic in this God forsaken country.
I can’t take this shit anymore.
Love All Over (Dancin’ Til Dawn)
What is love? Well it use to be something worth having. It use to be something special between a man and a woman. Now it’s something completely different. It use to be something very distinct. Now it's something we throw around casually like a hello, a handshake or a smile.
Ever since the 60's we've slowly lost the true meaning of love. We've, piece by piece, lost the purest form of joy, the fresh-cut Colombian. We give and give what the hippies would have called free love, which basically means we sleep with everyone we can. That’s not love, that’s promiscuity. We have all these emotions that consume our body when we touch and kiss and we confuse these emotions with love, when these emotions aren’t really love at all. These emotions are not love, they’re Endorphins.
Endorphins are endogenous opioid polypeptide compounds. They are produced by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus in vertebrates during strenuous exercise, excitement, pain, death, and orgasm, and they resemble the opiates in their abilities to produce analgesia and a sense of well-being. Endorphins work as "natural pain relievers", whose effects may be enhanced by other medications.
The term "endorphin" implies a pharmacological activity (analogous to the activity of the corticosteroid category of biochemicals) as opposed to a specific chemical formulation. It consists of two parts: endo- and -orphin; these are short forms of the words endogenous and morphine, intended to mean "a morphine-like substance originating from within the body."
The term endorphin rush has been adopted in popular speech to refer to feelings of exhilaration brought on by pain, danger, or other forms of stress, supposedly due to the influence of endorphins. When a nerve impulse reaches the spinal cord, endorphins are released which prevent nerve cells from releasing more pain signals. Immediately after injury, endorphins allow humans to feel a sense of power and control over themselves that allows them to persist with activity for an extended time.
As a matter of fact, during orgasm, large amounts of Endorphins are dumped into the bloodstream, which gives the person achieving the orgasm a general feeling of euphoria and numbness, an effect similar to that of Cocaine and Heroin. So all the good feelings you feel from kissing and touching a person you’re attracted to, is not love, but simply chemical explosions inside your body. A simple human response.
Love is more than a simple human response. Love is powerful. Love conquers all. Love is the ultimate level of care and respect, not adoration and attraction. Love is deeper than that. Love is Real! Love is eternal. Love is fate. Love is Death.
Webster’s Dictionary defines love as; A strong affection for another, arising out of kinship or personal ties. This seems simple enough, right? The only problem is its not. Love is not easy. It’s really hard. It’s really hard to do when they don’t love you back. It’s hard when you love someone who constantly throws your trust away. It’s hard when they constantly cheat on you and treat you like shit because they can’t control a problem, their problem. It’s hard to love a monster.
The hardest part though is being that monster and knowing that you have damaged a person that much and they still love you. They still want you. No matter how much you kick ‘em in the gums they still come back to give you a kiss or suck your cock if desired. They always come back and why, ‘cause they’re a teenage girl in love and they will do anything to keep that love, because that love although putrid, crooked and fucked, is the only thing that makes them feel good about themselves. It’s the only thing in life that pays attention to them, the only thing that loves them.
When a fire becomes that big you can’t extinguish it. You have to just wait for it to go out. I waited for Tosha’s flame to die, but it never ceased. She still hasn’t found anyone. Of course that’s probably because she refuses to look. She believes God will magically place that person in front of her. God will find that person for you if you let him, but you still have to look. Asking God to find them doesn’t take you out of the equation; it just gives you the better vision you need to see the person you desire.
Most of the task of finding the right person lies within you, not the other person. If you’re not right, the person you find can’t be either. That’s why we have such a high divorce rate in America. People don’t want to fix themselves. They always think the other person is the problem. If something doesn’t “feel” right they think “It can’t be me. Must be my spouse” and they divorce them; meanwhile destroying their ability to be in a relationship forever. And God forbid the fuckers produce offspring. That’s another life of sadness and isolation chalked up to the failure to understand what a relationship is. Don’t make your children suffer for your mistakes. Don’t let your children become just another statistic in this God forsaken country.
I can’t take this shit anymore.
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