Friday, February 4, 2011

Fuckin black people!

I know this blog isn't for venting, but...Ok I just walked out in the fuckin blowing snow storm across a frozen tundra baren car lot to get a rich fuckin black couple's brand new fuckin Volvo at 4:25am in the fuckin morning, I had to wear 6 layers of clothing, a snow cap, and 2 hoods, and a pair of gloves just to stay warm and this lousy peice of shit mother fucker gives me is "Thanks man, PPPPreciate it." Mother fucker! cause for some reason black people can't pronounce the fuckin A in appreciate. Fuckin' son of a Bitch!!!!! Fuck him! Guess what black people that's why white people become fuckin racists. You can't even have a common fuckin bit of human fuckin decentcy enough to give a valet even a fuckin dollar when he goes out to fetch your brand new fuckin car in a blizzard. It's one of the worst snow and ice storms in a century btw. It's a snow storm that covers 3/4 of the fuckin' country. Balls the size of fuckin watermelons. You Lousy trifflin mother fucker! You're a pathedic excuse for a human being. I hope him and his fuckin wife die in a vicious car wreck on the way home. peice of shit. Fuck you! I have never wanted to say the N word so bad in my fuckin life. If anyone deserved it, it would be him. Mother fucker! ...and he interrupted my fuckin lunch too...Mother fucker! He was the only person the whole night that didn't tip me btw. Everyone else could see how rediculous it is outside and they at least offered a couple of dollars but no not this motherfucker cause he's black and black people cant tip. I even got a tip from asain people. twice. and asian people never tip. unfuckinbelievable! only a fuckin black man!


  1. First off snow aint bad at all, stop being a whiny girl. i live on the northern end of ontario. do i need to tell you how cold it gets ?

    Second, its not about BLACK YELLOW WHITE BROWN PINK ORANGE GREY or how ever you describe a human. every one is different person to person. maybe he was a stingy guy?
    maybe he dint have change?

    why would you wish death on them?
    thats wrong on so many levels.
    im not judging you im sure you are a good person, (maybe) but please. learn to forgive. and understand that hate anger and envy kill you in the inside.

    and im not preaching anything btw. just felt bad about your attitude. sorry if i said anything that offends you.

  2. lol. It's nice how understanding you are. I do apologize for my comments though. they were a little harsh. But you do have to understand that I come in here day in and day out and watch so many times over again black people, poor and rich, never tip me or any other valets. and on top of it most of the time they try and get out of the 3 dollar parking fee. I mean come on it's 3 damn dollars. It's sad and rediculous. I'm not racist but at some point you have to call bullshit on them. I just wanna know why they dont tip. I would like an explanation from a black person as to why.
    as far as the weather is concerned. I live in Oklahoma so its never snowy here. But this year we've had the worst snow storm in a century. You know that crazy snow storm that was all over CNN for days that buried a third of the country in snow and storms, yeah we were part of that. Normaly I dont freak out about weather like everyone else here but I was here over night alone getting cars all night. walking up hill into the wind with it blowing directly in my face. It sucked. I'm pretty sure people dont run around Ontario all night in the freezing cold wind. That would be ignorant if you did. But I was forced to by my managers and this guy had the balls to not tip. that's just an asshole. plain and simple no matter what race
